package model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * @author iulia * * This class extends Polynomial and represents a polynomial with real * coefficients. */ public class RealPolynomial extends Polynomial<Double> { public RealPolynomial() { super(); } /** * Creates a polynomial from a string received from input. * * @param poly * @throws NotAPolynomialException */ public RealPolynomial(String poly) throws NotAPolynomialException { monomials = new ArrayList<Monomial<Double>>(); int pos = 0; char sign = 0; if (poly.length() == 0) { throw new NotAPolynomialException("The polynomial cannot be created!"); } if (poly.charAt(0) == '-') { sign = '-'; poly = poly.substring(1); } StringTokenizer stSign = new StringTokenizer(poly, "+-"); while (stSign.hasMoreTokens()) { String monomial = stSign.nextToken(); pos += monomial.length(); StringTokenizer stMonomial = new StringTokenizer(monomial, "*"); double coeff = 0; int exp = 0; String coeffStr = stMonomial.nextToken(); String expStr; try { coeff = Double.parseDouble(coeffStr); System.out.println(coeff); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new NotAPolynomialException("The polynomial cannot be created!"); } if (sign == '-') coeff = -coeff; int posMonomial = coeffStr.length() + 3; if (posMonomial < monomial.length()) expStr = monomial.substring(posMonomial); else throw new NotAPolynomialException("The polynomial cannot be created!"); try { exp = Integer.parseInt(expStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new NotAPolynomialException("The polynomial cannot be created!"); } if (pos < poly.length()) { sign = poly.charAt(pos); pos++; } if (!addToMonomialsList(coeff, exp)) throw new NotAPolynomialException("The polynomial cannot be created!"); } } public boolean addToMonomialsList(Double coefficient, int exponent) { if (coefficient == 0) return true; int i = 0; Monomial<Double> monomial = new Monomial<>(coefficient, exponent); while (i < monomials.size() && monomials.get(i).getExponent() < exponent) i++; if (i == monomials.size()) { monomials.add(monomial); return true; } else { if (monomials.get(i).getExponent() > exponent) { monomials.add(i, monomial); return true; } } return false; } @Override public String printPoly() { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); int i = monomials.size(); System.out.println(i); if (i == 0) { return str.append("0.0").toString(); } while (i > 1) { i--; str.append(" "); str.append(Double.toString((double) monomials.get(i).getCoefficient()).substring(0, 3)); str.append("*x^"); str.append(Double.toString(monomials.get(i).getExponent())); str.append(" "); if ((double) monomials.get(i - 1).getCoefficient() > 0) str.append("+"); System.out.print(monomials.get(i).getCoefficient() + "*x^" + monomials.get(i).getExponent() + " + "); System.out.println("i:" + i); } i--; str.append(" "); str.append(Double.toString((double) monomials.get(i).getCoefficient()).substring(0, 3)); str.append("*x^"); str.append(Double.toString(monomials.get(i).getExponent())); System.out.print(monomials.get(i).getCoefficient() + "*x^" + monomials.get(i).getExponent()); System.out.println("i:" + i); return str.toString(); } /** * Checks whether a polynomial is equal or not with the polynomial received * as parameter. * * @param poly2 * @return */ public boolean isEqual(RealPolynomial poly2) { int i1 = monomials.size(); int i2 = poly2.monomials.size(); if (i1 != i2) return false; for (int i = 0; i < i1; i++) { if (!getMonAtExp(i).equals(poly2.getMonAtExp(i))) return false; } return true; } /** * * Checks whether a real polynomial is equal or not with zero. * * @return */ public boolean isEqualToZero() { boolean ok = true; ListIterator<Monomial<Double>> it = (ListIterator<Monomial<Double>>) monomials.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Monomial<Double> term =; if (term.getCoefficient() != 0) ok = false; } return ok; } }